12 projects in 120 constraints / Plan: B Architects ; text, Felipe Mesa ; foreword, Andrés Jaque ; comments, Federicl Soriano.
[Novato, California?] : Applied Research + Design Publishing, an imprint of ORO Editions, [2021]
143 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
In this book, we review a set of Plan:b projects in Colombia through the environmental, social, and voluntary constraints we faced, and the interim agreements we built around them. We carry out a reconstruction of the central facts behind these buildings through an "inverse" exercise - explaining each project based on contextual constraints and not on singular architectural ideas. We review the work of other authors and the way they understand limitations and difficulties that are part of their creative activity and attempt to generate a broad reflective base to approach our architectural projects and the predominant role that restrictions have played in them.
1951541421 (paperback)
9781951541422 (paperback)
Plan:B Arquitectos.
Sustainable architecture Columbia.
Architecture Colombia 21st century Designs and plans.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture Colombie 21e siècle Dessins et plans.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture, Modern
Sustainable architecture
architectural drawings (visual works)
Architectural drawings
Dessins d'architecture.
Mesa, Felipe, 1975- writer of text.
Jaque, Andrés, 1971- writer of foreword.
Soriano, Federico, writer of added commentary.
Plan:B Arquitectos. Works. Selections.
Twelve projects in one hundred twenty constraints
Plan: B Architects : 12 projects in 120 constraints
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 310050
Cote: BIB 255178
Statut: Disponible
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