Grace and gravity : architectures of the figure / Lars Spuybroek.
Entrée principale:

Spuybroek, Lars, author.

Titre et auteur:

Grace and gravity : architectures of the figure / Lars Spuybroek.


London : Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2020.


xv, 433 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 393-416) and index.
PREFACE -- 1 THE GRACE MACHINE Of the Figure and the Gap -- Grace and Figure -- Grace and Gift -- Grace and Habit -- Grace and Play -- 2 FOOT SPACE AND HAND SPACE Of the Planar and the Granular -- Gap and Room -- Foot Space and Rhythm -- Hand Space and Things -- Crooked Hephaestus and Phenotechnology -- 3 CAVES AND CHESTS Of Mimesis and Physis -- Gap and Trap -- Ornament and Apparatus -- Caves and Mimesis -- Chests and Physis -- 4 FIGURATE AND SPECTRAL ARCHITECTURE Of the Lithic, Ferric, and Plastic
Hard and Soft -- The Spirit and the Lithic -- Automatism and the Ferric -- The Soft Machine and Plastic -- 5 GRACE AND GRAVITY Of Pain and Sweetness -- Beautiful Things and Beautiful Moments -- Caryatids and Spinal Columns -- Sweetness and Sweet Spots -- Fate and the Dandies of Suffering -- 6 AUTOMATA AND THAUMATA Of Puppets and Pied Beauty -- Medium and Media -- Lights On and Lights Off -- Color and Consciousness -- The Octopus and Decadent Media Theory -- 7 JUMPOLOGY AND FALLING Of Grace and Disgrace -- The Gentle and the Brutal -- Jumpology and Simultaneity -- Falling and the Simulacrum
Things Falling and Breaking Things -- 8 THE STONE RECKONER Of Counting and Recounting -- Stone and Fabulism -- Stone and Luminosity -- Stone and Reckoning -- Stone and the Book -- NOTES -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- INDEX

"How do we live well? The first sentence of Grace and Gravity raises the fundamental question that constantly occupies our minds-and of all those who lived before us. Paradoxically, the impossibility of answering this question opens up the very room needed to find ways of living well. It is the gap where all disciplines fall short, where architecture does not fit its inhabitants, where economy is not based on shortage, where religion cannot be explained by its followers, and where technology works far beyond its own principles. According to Lars Spuybroek, the prize-winning former architect, this marks the point where the "paradoxical machine" of grace reveals its powers, a point where we "cannot say if we are moving or being moved". Following the trail of grace leads him to a new form of analysis that transcends the age-old opposition between appearances and technology. Linking up a dazzling and often delightful variety of sources-monkeys, paintings, lamp posts, octopuses, tattoos, bleeding fingers, rose windows, robots, smart phones, spirits, saints, and fossils-with profound meditations on living, death, consciousness, and existence, Grace and Gravity offers an eye-opening provocation to a wide range of art historians, architects, theologians, anthropologists, artists, media theorists and philosophers."-- Provided by publisher.


9781350020856 hardback
1350020850 hardback
9781350020849 paperback
1350020842 paperback
electronic book


Architecture Philosophy.
Quality of life.
Quality of Life
Architecture Philosophie.
Qualité de la vie.
quality of life.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309150
Cote: BIB 254434
Statut: Disponible


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