Paisajes enmarcados : misiones fotográficas europeas 1984-2019 = Framed landscapes : European photography commissions 1984-2019 / exhibition catalogue edited by Fundación ICO ; editor Frits Gierstberg.
Madrid : Museo ICO, [2019]
463 pages : color photographs ; 31 cm
Curated by Frits Gierstberg, this exhibition and its catalogue bring together, for the first time in Spain, a number of long-term photography commissions that focus on the changing rural, urban and suburban European landscape. Both cover a period from 1984 until today and concern projects that have been given by public or semi-public institutions in a number of European countries, regions and cities. Works by almost sixty photographers will be presented along the many publications that were produced in the context of the selected commissions: DATAR (France), Photography and Memory (Germany), Ekodok 90 (Sweden), Linea di Confine (Italia), Long-term Observation Schlieren (Switzerland), Transmanche (France), Places. Denmark in Transition (Denmark) and RO_Archive (Romania).
Landscape photography.
Portrait photography.
Photographie de paysages.
Portraits (Photographie)
Gierstberg, Frits, curator.
Museo Colecciones I.C.O., issuing body.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309514
Cote: BIB 254737
Statut: Disponible
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