Kuma, Kengo, 1954- architect.
Kengo Kuma 2013-2020 = 隈研吾作品集 2013-2020 / edited by Yoshio Futagawa ; text by Kengo Kuma. Kengo Kuma 2013-2020 = Kuma Kengo sakuhinshū 2013-2020 / edited by Yoshio Futagawa ; text by Kengo Kuma.
Tokyo : A.D.A. Edita Tokyo, 2020.
275 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm
GA architect ; [28]
"This special publication showcases work by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, remarkably covering all of the projects he completed between 2013 and 2020. Beginning with FRAC Marseille, more than 40 buildings are featured, many of them in Japan. Notable recent works include the Odunpazari Modern Museum in Turkey, the Dallas Rolex Tower in Texas, KENZO House in Paris, the V & A Dundee in Scotland, the cocoon-like Suspended Forest house in Switzerland, and the Takanawa Gateway Station in Tokyo. With a sharp eye for innovative and outstanding design and a staggering diversity of typologies and scales under his belt, Kuma is clearly an architectural force like none other"--Online book description (viewed January 12, 2021)
9784871404372 (paperback)
4871404374 (paperback)
Kuma, Kengo, 1954-
Architects Japan.
Architectes Japon.
architecture (discipline)
Futagawa, Yoshio, editor.
GA architect ; 28.
Kuma Kengo sakuhinshū 2013-2020
Kengo Kuma 2013-2020 = 隈研吾作品集 2013-2020 / edited by Yoshio Futagawa ; text by Kengo Kuma.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 317067
Cote: 317067
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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