Ryan Gander : heralded as the new black.
Birmingham : Ikon Gallery, 2008.
137 pages (some folded) : color illustrations ; 30 cm.
"Gander is concerned particularly with art's potential to stimulate dialogue, playing off immediate circumstances in order to make them seem simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar. It is an ambiguity that gives rise to an 'uncanniness' and creates uncertainty, encouraging our contemplation of a range of issues within the context of his work. This exhibition expanded the artist's usual preoccupations - notions of origination, authorship and how meaning can change with time and location - to engage the viewer more as an active participant in artistic experience. In a recent interview he explained, 'If you let the spectator discover something on their own terms it holds more significance than it being handed on a plate'" ... A smart sense of humour underpins much of Gander's work and for this exhibition he requested that gallery assistants are dressed in limited edition all-white Adidas tracksuits, instead of conventional black attire. This Consequence (2005) thus immediately defies expectations. On closer inspection it becomes clear that the pristine state of the tracksuits is disrupted by carefully embroidered splashes of red on both the jacket and trousers, a hint of some unknown accident or incident. --Gallery website.
9781904864370 (paperback)
1904864376 (paperback)
Gander, Ryan.
Exhibition publications.
Prince, Nigel.
South London Gallery (London)
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen (Rotterdam)
Ikon Gallery (Birmingham)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 260331
Cote: BIB 191245
Statut: Disponible
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