Inessential colors : architecture on paper in early modern Europe / Basile Baudez.
Entrée principale:

Baudez, Basile, 1974- author. aut

Titre et auteur:

Inessential colors : architecture on paper in early modern Europe / Basile Baudez.


Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2021]


277 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 30 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages [256]-270) and index.

"Today, architectural plans and drawings are always signposted with colors: pink for poché, or exterior walls, yellow for certain interior elements, and blue for details and ornament. How and why did this practice begin? The craft of architectural drawing-plans, sections, and details-was originally developed during the Italian Renaissance under the influence of engravers. The results were correspondingly monochromatic, relying on representation through line and perspective. But in the 1800s, an influx of painters-turned-architects in Holland and Germany brought color into their designs. This innovation eventually spread throughout Europe, inspiring French architectural engineers to adopt a common color system in order to more clearly communicate their designs across the kingdom, and giving architects another tool with which to impress academic juries and the public. In this book, author Basile Baudez argues that color was not an essential feature of architectural drawing until European architects adopted a precise system of representation in response to political and artistic rivalry between countries, as well as the needs of public exhibitions. He shows that French engineers learned to use color from the Dutch colleagues they worked with and then fought against during the Dutch War (1672-78), demonstrating that a color-based system was published in French manuals for military engineers and used by royal architects, and that architects who wanted to compete with paintings for the public's attention needed to use the familiar language of color. This history reveals that color came to have three functions: to imitate architectural materials, to establish concise representational conventions that could span large geographic distances, and to seduce the public, including tourists. The book will feature a large number of fascinating, previously unpublished archival drawings, and will contribute to growing interest in the origins and professionalization of architecture, as well as the history of drawing as a medium"-- Provided by publisher.


9780691213569 (hardback)
0691213569 (hardback)


Color in art.
Architectural drawing Europe History.
Couleur dans l'art.
Architectural drawing History. Europe.
Architectural drawing




Localisation: Bibliothèque main 318540
Cote: 318540
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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