The architect, the cook, and good taste / [concept and copy editing], Petra Hagen Hodgson, Rolf Toyka ; [translation, Michael Robinson and others] ; on behalf of the Academy of the Hesse Chamber of Architects and Town Planners.
Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser, ©2007.
157 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 29 cm
This book pursues the astonishing parallels and deeply rooted connections between the art of building and that of cooking. A variety of essays takes up questions of materiality and proportioning. Attention will also be given to food cultivation and architecture, to the places where meals are prepared as well as a range of different culinary spaces.
9783764376215 (English ed. ; cloth)
376437621X (English ed. ; cloth)
9783764373313 (German language ed.)
3764373318 (German language ed.)
Cooking and architecture.
Cuisine et architecture.
ARCHITECTURE Professional Practice.
ARCHITECTURE Adaptive Reuse & Renovation.
ARCHITECTURE Buildings General.
Cookery and architecture.
Kitchens Design and construction.
Restaurants Design and construction.
Architecture Aesthetics.
Architektur Ästhetik Aufsatzsammlung.
Ästhetik Architektur Aufsatzsammlung.
Architektur Kochen Aufsatzsammlung.
Kochen Architektur Aufsatzsammlung.
Speise Kulturelle Identität Aufsatzsammlung.
Kulturelle Identität Speise Aufsatzsammlung.
Hagen, Petra, 1957-
Toyka, Rolf.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 253212
Cote: BIB 182916
Statut: Disponible
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