A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London; 1554-1640 A.D. ... Edited by Edward Aber ...
Entrée principale:

Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers (London, England)

Titre et auteur:

A transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of London; 1554-1640 A.D. ... Edited by Edward Aber ...


London, Priv. Print., 1875-77; Birmingham, 1894.


5 volumes illustrations 30 cm

No. 81 of 230 copies printed.
Rivington's paper on the records of the Stationers' company, v. 5, p. [xxxvii]-lxxviii, and Arber's List of 847 London publishers, v. 5, p. [lxxix]-cxi, each have special t.p.
V. 1. Introduction. Ordinances of the Stationers' company, 1678-1682. Text: Detailed cash accounts to 22 July 1571; Summary cash abastracts onward to 2 Aug. 1596. Addendum: The controversy, &c. of 1643-5. (1875)
-- V.2. Introduction. A provisional list of London printers and publishers in the latter half of Queen Elizabeth's reign. Text: Entries of books to 25 June 1595; Entries of apprentices and freemen, calls on the livery and fines to 2 July 1605 (1875) -- v. 3. Introduction. A provisional list of London printers and publishers during the period of this volume. Text: Entries of books to 11 July 1620 ; Entries of freemen to 31 Dec. 1640: Succession of master printers in London 1586-1636 (1876) -- v. 4. Introduction. A final provisional list of London printers and publishers. Text: Entries of books to 3 Nov. 1640; Calls on the livery and promotions to the assistance to 31 Dec. 1640. Addendum (1877)
-- V. 5. Index: Preface. Introduction. The records of the worshipful company of stationers / by Charles Robert Rivington (2d ed. Edinburgh, printed by Turnbull & Spears, 1893). [Paper pub. separately 1883 ; now rev. to July 1893]. A list, based on the registers of the Stationers Company of 847 London publishers (who were by trade, printers, engravers, booksellers, bookbinders, &c., &c.) between 1553 and 1640, A.D. : being a master key to English bibliography during a period in which almost all authorized books were printed in the metropolis; excepting principally a number which, from 1584-85 onwards, came from the university presses of Cambridge and Oxford / by Edward Arber [An advance ed. of the list was pub. separately 1 May 1890; present ed., rev. and cor.] A bibliographical summary of English literature, 1553-1603. Index I: an index of the mechanical producers of English books, and of persons and places connected with them and with the Company of stationers of London. [It was not possible to print Index II: An index of the intellectual producers of Elgish books] (1894).

English literature Early modern, 1500-1700 Bibliography.
Booksellers and bookselling Great Britain.
Publishers and publishing Great Britain.
Printing Great Britain History.
Booksellers and bookselling.
English literature Early modern.
Publishers and publishing.
Great Britain.



Vedettes secondaires:

Rivington, Charles Robert, 1846-1928.
Arber, Edward, 1836-1912.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 144489
Cote: PO12043; ID:85-B2725
Exemplaire: v. 5
Statut: Disponible


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