Art in the age of machine learning / Sofian Audry ; foreword by Yoshua Bengio.
Entrée principale:

Audry, Sofian, author.

Titre et auteur:

Art in the age of machine learning / Sofian Audry ; foreword by Yoshua Bengio.


Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2021]


xx, 193 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.



Includes bibliographical references (pages 177-185) and indexes.
Optimizing art -- Curbing the training curve -- Aesthetics of adaptive behaviors -- Beyond human understanding -- Evolutionary learning -- Shallow learning -- Deep learning -- Data as code -- Deep remixes -- Watching and dreaming.

Over the past decade, an artistic movement has emerged that draws on machine learning as both inspiration and medium. In this book, transdisciplinary artist-researcher Sofian Audry examines artistic practices at the intersection of machine learning and new media art, providing conceptual tools and historical perspectives for new media artists, musicians, composers, writers, curators, and theorists. Audry looks at works from a broad range of practices, including new media installation, robotic art, visual art, electronic music and sound, and electronic literature, connecting machine learning art to such earlier artistic practices as cybernetics art, artificial life art, and evolutionary art. Machine learning underlies computational systems that are biologically inspired, statistically driven, agent-based networked entities that program themselves. Audry explains the fundamental design of machine learning algorithmic structures in terms accessible to the nonspecialist while framing these technologies within larger historical and conceptual spaces. Audry debunks myths about machine learning art, including the ideas that machine learning can create art without artists and that machine learning will soon bring about superhuman intelligence and creativity. Audry considers learning procedures, describing how artists hijack the training process by playing with evaluative functions; discusses trainable machines and models, explaining how different types of machine learning systems enable different kinds of artistic practices; and reviews the role of data in machine learning art, showing how artists use data as a raw material to steer learning systems and arguing that machine learning allows for novel forms of algorithmic remixes.
"This book examines artistic practices that use machine learning and computational technologies through historical perspectives surrounding adaptive systems from the 1950s onwards"-- Provided by publisher.


9780262046183 (hardcover)
0262046180 (hardcover)


Computer art.
Art and computers.
Machine learning.
Art et ordinateurs.
Apprentissage automatique.
ART General.


digital art (visual works)
Digital art
Arts numériques.

Vedettes secondaires:

Bengio, Yoshua, writer of foreword.
Leonardo (Series) (Cambridge, Mass.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315152
Cote: 315152
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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