Catalogue of a collection of early German books in the library of C. Fairfax Murray; comp. by Hugh Wm. Davies.
Entrée principale:

Murray, Charles Fairfax, 1849-1919.

Titre et auteur:

Catalogue of a collection of early German books in the library of C. Fairfax Murray; comp. by Hugh Wm. Davies.


London, Holland Press, 1962.


2 volumes illustrations, plates, portraits, facsimiles 29 cm

Paged continously.
"Strictly limited to two hundred and fifty copies."
Paged continuously.
Reproduction of the original ed., 1913.
"The term 'German' will be found somewhat comprehensive, including many of the productions of the presses of Holland, Belgium and Switzerland, and a few of Austria-Hungary ... The period in which these books fall is c. 1455 to 1680 ... The majority of the books are of the 15th and 16th centuries ... In assembling this (German) portion of the library more attention has been given to the decorative part of the book than to merely the typographical side. A representative collection therefore has been made of many of the principal books with woodcuts, commencing with the earliest xylographs."--Pref.
"Limited to two hundred and fifty copies."
495 entries.
Full descriptions, including exact transcription of title (or first lines) and colophon; statement of type, size, binding, and former owner; note of the edition and of other editions; bibliographical references; running description; description of the woodcuts; memoranda on text; biographical notes; and collations. Numerous facsimiles.
Indexes: I. Authors and persons mentioned. II. Titles, subjects and places. III. Artists (designers + cutters) IV. Printers and publishers. V. Names of former owners.
Companion work to the Catalogue of a collection of early French books in the library of C. Fairfax Murray issued in 2 v., 1910.

Murray, Charles Fairfax, 1849-1919 Library.
Incunabula Bibliography Catalogs.
Rare books.
Illustrated books History 15th and 16th centuries Bibliography Catalogs.
Wood-engraving Germany History.
Printing Germany History.
Rare Books
Livres rares.
Livres illustrés Histoire 15e et 16e siècles Bibliographie Catalogues.
Imprimerie Allemagne Histoire.
Illustrated books
Rare books Bibliography.
Illustrated books 15th and 16th centuries Bibliography.
Wood-engraving Germany.
Printing Germany.



Vedettes secondaires:

Davies, Hugh William.
Davies, Hugh Wm.


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 102467
Cote: 0000873 0000874 PO1683 Z1012 REF; ID:85-B15957
Exemplaire: v. 1
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 102466
Cote: 0000873 0000874 PO1683 Z1012 REF; ID:85-B15957
Exemplaire: v. 2
Statut: Disponible


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