Political pressure and the archival record / edited by Margaret Procter, Michael Cook, Caroline Williams.
Titre et auteur:

Political pressure and the archival record / edited by Margaret Procter, Michael Cook, Caroline Williams.


Chicago : Society of American Archivists, ©2006.


xxviii, 345 pages : portraits ; 23 cm

"This book contains a selection of papers presented at an international conference, 'Political Pressure and the Archival Record, ' held in Liverpool, U.K. in July 2003"--Preface
"This book contains a selection of papers presented at an international conference, 'Political Pressure and the Archival Record,' held in Liverpool, U.K. in July 2003"--Pref.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Historical legacy : The Asian-Pacific war and the fate of archives/Masahito Ando -- Whispers in the archives: finding the voices of the colonized in the records of the colonizer/Jeannette Allis Bastian -- Title company v. county recorder: a case study in open records litigation, 1874-1918/Dwayne Cox -- Governmental rule and archivists: the historical experience of the 20th century in central Europe/Friedrich Kahlenberg -- Access and the public interest : " ... And grant German and foreign scholars access at all times": archival access in west Germany during the Cold War/Astrid M. Eckert -- Official secrecy and the right to a fair trial: the case of HMS thetis/Maureen Spencer -- The Tuskegee syphilis study: access and control over controversial records/Tywanna Whorley -- The role of private archival centres in storing, preserving and providing access to political records in Belgium/Godfried Kwanten -- Ethical dilemmas in the public service : Ethics issues for creators, managers, and users of records/Rick Barry -- The role of archives in protecting the record from political pressure/Chris Hurley -- Archives, politics, and justice/Verne Harris -- Governments under pressure? Threats and responses : "Any tangible thing": the USA Patriot Act and its impact on higher education administration/Jackie R. Esposito -- The Bush Administration and "information lockdown"/Thomas James Connors -- "But who watches the watchers? Security intelligence records in New Zealand: a case study/Rachel Lilburn -- Beware of the Leopard? Police archives in Great Britain/Chris Williams and Clive Emsley -- At war: records and international conflict : From Solferino to Sarajevo: armed conflict, international law, and archives/George Mackenzie -- Archives in service to the state/Trudy Huskamp Peterson -- Srebrenica: a Balkan tragedy and the making of a Dutch affair/Agnes E.M. Jonker -- Modelling the future : The relevance of archival practice with "e-Democracy"/Claire Johnson -- "Brave new world"? Electronic records management/Malcolm Todd.

1931666156 (alk. paper)
9781931666152 (alk. paper)


Archives Political aspects Congresses.
Archives Aspect politique Congrès.
Archives Political aspects.


Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Procter, Margaret, 1959-
Cook, Michael, 1931-
Williams, Caroline (Caroline M.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 243896
Cote: BIB 173593
Statut: Disponible


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