Town of Port Hope and Hope, Wednesday June 27, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Lion's Centre - Thomas Street, Port Hope : public meeting agenda to consider four (4) applications for approval of a plan of subdivision, one (1) application to amend the ward 2 official plan, four (4) applications to amend the ward 1 official plan, one (1) application to amend zoning by-law 3350, three (3) applications to amend zoning by-law 3035, one (1) application to amend zoning by-law 2857/73.
[Port Hope, Ont.] : [Town of Port Hope and Hope], [2001]
1 volume (various pagings) : maps ; 28 cm
Zoning Ontario Port Hope.
Real estate development Ontario Port Hope.
City planning Ontario Port Hope.
Zonage Ontario Port Hope.
Promotion immobilière Ontario Port Hope.
City planning.
Real estate development.
Ontario Port Hope.
Zoning Canada Ontario Port Hope 2000-2010.
Real estate development Ontario Port Hope 2000-2010.
Urban planning Canada Ontario Port Hope 2000-2010.
Agendas (administrative records)
Spiral bindings.
Hutchison, Spencer.
Port Hope (Ont.). Planning and Development Committee.
Aon Inc.
Historic Theatres' Trust collection/Fonds Société des salles historiques.
Public meeting agenda to consider four (4) applications for approval of a plan of subdivision, one (1) application to amend the ward 2 official plan, four (4) applications to amend the ward 1 official plan, one (1) application to amend zoning by-law 3350, three (3) applications to amend zoning by-law 3035, one (1) application to amend zoning by-law 2857/73
Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 250254
Cote: HT169.8.C292 P67 2001
Statut: Disponible
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