Discussion paper : land use options for the future municipality of Port Hope : a backgrounder leading to the preparation of a growth management strategy / prepared by Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. ; in conjunction with Totten Sims Hubicki, Strategic Projections Inc.
[Mississauga?, Ont.] : [Meridian Planning Consultants Inc.], 2002.
1 volume (various pagings) : maps ; 28 cm
Land use Ontario Port Hope.
City planning Ontario Port Hope.
Utilisation du sol Ontario Port Hope.
City planning
Land use
Ontario Port Hope
Land use Canada Ontario Port Hope 2000-2010.
Urban planning Canada Ontario Port Hope 2000-2010.
Spiral bindings.
Meridian Planning Consultants.
Totten Sims Hubicki Associates.
Strategic Projections Inc.
Historic Theatres' Trust collection/Fonds Société des salles historiques.
Land use options for the future municipality of Port Hope : a backgrounder leading to the preparation of a growth management strategy
Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 250229
Cote: HD320.P67 D5 2002
Statut: Disponible
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