Experimental Jetset (Design studio), author, designer.
Superstructures / Experimental Jetset ; annotated by Vasyl Cherepanyn [and nineteen others].
First edition.
Amsterdam : Stichting Roma Publications, 2021.
419 pages : illustrations (some color), facsimiles, portraits ; 18 cm + 1 booklet (24 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 18 x 11 cm)
ROMA publication ; 400
Notes on experimental jetset ; volume 2
"Superstructures (Notes on Experimental Jetset / Volume 2) is an inquiry into the role of the city as an infrastructure for language (and simultaneously, into the role of language as an infrastructure for the city), as seen through the lens of four historical movements: Constructivism, the Situationist International, Provo, and the Post-Punk explosion. Based on a research project (and accompanying exhibition) by Experimental Jetset, the publication features footnotes written by Vasyl Cherepanyn, Leontine Coelewij, Linda van Deursen, Experimental Jetset, Owen Hatherley, Brad Haylock, Dirk van den Heuvel, Lieven Lahaye, Samata Masato, Tom McDonough, Kateryna Mishchenko, Other Forms, Mark Owens, Megan Patty, Adam Pendleton, Simon Reynolds, Ian F. Svenonius, McKenzie Wark, Lori Waxman, and Mimi Zeiger. An added bonus: it comes with a 26-page zine, zooming in on the design typology of the original exhibition.--Northeastshop website (viewed on April 12, 2021)
Art and cities Europe History 20th century.
Art movements Europe History 20th century.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) Europe History 20th century.
Arts, European 20th century.
Demonstrations in art History 20th century.
Mouvements artistiques Europe Histoire 20e siècle.
Arts européens 20e siècle.
Manifestations dans l'art Histoire 20e siècle.
Demonstrations in art
Arts, European
Art and cities
Art movements
Avant-garde (Aesthetics)
Cherepanyn, Vasylʹ, contributor.
Roma Publications (Firm), publisher.
ROMA publication ; 400.
Experimental Jetset
Constructivist city, the Situationist city, the Provotarian city, the Post-Punk city
Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 309660
Cote: BIB 254532
Notes: booklet ("And Constructions")
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 309262
Cote: BIB 254532
Statut: Disponible
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