Laaksonen, Mikko, author.
Pekka Pitkänen : concrete modernism in Finland, 1927-2018 / Mikko Laaksonen.
English edition.
Berlin : Dom Publishers, [2021]
202 pages : illustrations (some color), plans, portraits ; 23 cm
Basics ; volume 118
Pekka Pitkänen (d. 2018) was one of the most significant Finnish architects of the post-war period and is known as a master of concrete buildings and as a supporter of modernist approach. The Chapel of the Holy Cross in Turku is usually considered as his main work. From 1950's to 1980's Pitkänen built numerous residential and commercial buildings. Together with Ola Laiho and Ilpo Raunio, he planned the extension of the Finnish Parliament, Helsinki. This book presents Pitkänen's architecture through his whole career, based on research of his archive, the presentations of the works in contemporary magazines as well as the memoir of Pitkänen.
9783869227443 (English edition)
3869227443 (English edition)
(Finnish edition)
Pitkänen, Pekka, 1927-2018 Criticism and interpretation.
Architects Finland.
Architectes Finlande.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Basics (Berlin, Germany) ; 118.
Concrete modernism in Finland, 1927-2018
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315578
Cote: 315578
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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