Metropolis on the Styx : the underworlds of modern urban culture, 1800-2001 / David L. Pike.
Entrée principale:

Pike, David L. (David Lawrence), 1963-

Titre et auteur:

Metropolis on the Styx : the underworlds of modern urban culture, 1800-2001 / David L. Pike.


Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2007.


xvii, 377 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 317-356) and index.
1. Devil, the Underground, and the Vertical City -- Underground Metropolis -- Modernist Space and Underground Theory -- From the Mine to the Trench -- Devil above and the Devil below -- Devil and the Rhythms of Modern Life -- Seasons in Twentieth-Century Hell -- Modernism, Memory, and Urban Space -- 2. Devil Comes to Town -- Devil in Paris and London -- Devil in Urban Hell -- Spectacles of the Metropolitan Devil -- His Satanic Majesty's Court -- Devil on Crutches -- Satanic Verses -- Devil Take the Hindmost -- Modern Devil -- 3. Mysteries of the Underground -- True Mysteries of the Modern Metropolis Revealed -- Sensations of Subterranean London -- "If the rich only knew ..." -- Afterlife of the Urban Mysteries -- Urban Underworlds of Postwar America -- 4. Through the Looking Glass -- Er Ego in Arcadia -- Down by the Dark Arches -- Passage under the Thames -- Foreign Incursions -- Arcade Entrenched -- Thresholds of Stage and Screen -- Threshold of a New Millennium.

"In Metropolis on the Styx,David L. Pike considers how underground spaces and their many myths have organized ways of seeing, thinking about, and living in the modern city. Expanding on the cultural history of underground construction in his acclaimed previous book, Subterranean Cities, Pike details the emergence of a vertical city in the imagination of nineteenth-century Paris and London, a city overseen by hosts of devils and undermined by subterranean villains, a city whose ground level was replete with passages between above and below. Metropolis on the Styx brings together a rich variety of visual and written sources ranging from pulp mysteries and movie serials to the poetry of Charles Baudelaire and the novels of Marcel Proust, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Elinor Glyn to the broadsheets and ephemera of everyday urban life. From these materials, Pike conjures a working theory of modern underground space that explains why our notions about urban environments remain essentially nineteenth-century in character, even though cities themselves have since changed almost beyond recognition."--Publisher description.


9780801444906 (cloth ; alk. paper)
080144490X (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780801473043 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0801473047 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Underground areas Social aspects.
Underground areas in literature.
Civilization, Subterranean.
Sociology, Urban.
Zones souterraines Aspect social.
Zones souterraines dans la littérature.
Sociologie urbaine.
urban sociology.
Unterirdisches Bauwerk
Ondergrondse bouwwerken.
Untergrund <Kultur, Motiv>


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 255904
Cote: BIB 186178
Statut: Disponible


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