Jacobsen, Hugh Newell.
Hugh Newell Jacobsen, architect : works from 1993 to 2006 / introduction by Paul Goldberger ; design by Massimo Vignelli ; [photographs by Robert C. Lautman].
New York : Rizzoli International, 2007.
284 pages : chiefly color illustrations, plans ; 32 cm
"The work of Hugh Newell Jacobsen, one of America's most acclaimed architects, is infused with a rare sense of clarity and elegance. He his best known for his modern pavilion-based residences - compositions of simple, gabled forms that are rectangular in plan. Unlike other second-generation modernist architects who revised the iconic European houses of the 1920s or the American Shingle Style of the nineteenth century, Jacobsen draws on inspiration from the vernacular architecture of the American homestead. His grand yet intimately scaled pavilions recall the barns, detached kitchens, and smokehouses - the outbuildings of rural America." "This volume presents the architect's most recent work, including houses, university projects, and a winery, and offers a definitive look at the architect's mature skill and refined taste." "An introduction by architecture critic Paul Goldberger explores Jacobsen's significance in the world of architecture today."--Jacket.
Jacobsen, Hugh Newell Catalogs.
Jacobsen, Hugh Newell.
Architecture United States History 20th century.
Architecture, Domestic United States 20th century.
Architecture États-Unis Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture domestique États-Unis 20e siècle.
Architecture, Domestic.
United States.
catalogs (documents)
Goldberger, Paul.
Vignelli, Massimo.
Lautman, Robert C.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 252268
Cote: BIB 181766
Statut: Disponible
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