Basics of urbanism : 12 Begriffe der territorialen Transformation = 12 notions of territorial transformation / Hg./Eds. Aglaée Degros, Anna Bagarić, Sabine Bauer, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer, Mario Stefan, Eva Schwab.
Titre et auteur:

Basics of urbanism : 12 Begriffe der territorialen Transformation = 12 notions of territorial transformation / Hg./Eds. Aglaée Degros, Anna Bagarić, Sabine Bauer, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer, Mario Stefan, Eva Schwab.


Zürich : Park Books, [2021]


241 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 24 x 21 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
What is urbanism? -- 1. Geschichte = History -- Zeitgenossischer Stadtebau versus Moderne = Contemporary urbanism versus modernity / Marcel Smets -- Wie man ein Gebaude in ein Territorium einfugt = How to add a building to a territory -- 2. Kontext = Context -- 3. Komposition = Composition -- Wie man ein Ensemble in ein Territorium einfugt = How to add an ensemble to a territory -- 4. Netzwerk = Network -- 5. Profil = Profile -- 6. Dichte = Density -- 7. Funktion = Function -- 8. Kollektiv = Collective -- 9. Zugang = Access -- Instrumente der Stadtplanung am Beispiel Steiermark = Instruments of urban planning illustrated with Styrian examples / Markus Bogensberger -- Wie man ein Ensemble aus einem Territorium entfernt = How to remove an ensemble from a territory -- 10. Transition = Transition -- Wie man ein Territorium verbessert = How to improve a territory -- 11. Partizipation = Participation -- 12. Metabolismus = Metabolism -- Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit im territorialen Projekt = Sustainability and justice in the territorial project / Eva Schwab -- Was ist die Zukunft des Stadtebaus? = What is the future of urbanism? -- Internationale Positionen zum Stadtebau = International positions on urbanism..
Parallel text in English and German.

"Urban design today is facing a multitude of challenges. Using twelve key terms, this book connects these challenges to projects in this field. It introduces concepts. presents possible solutions, and describes implementation processes. A special focus is put on the interaction of the built environment with living systems--an approach that is slowly gaining acceptance within the urban design community and that is setting aside a primarily building-oriented practice in favor of an increased appreciation of public space. Basics of Urbanism defines and illustrates parameters with a clearly territorial approach to urban design. Space between buildings is treated as an essential structure for environmental and social change within small-scale neighborhoods and blocks, as well as at the level districts and even entire cities. This approach includes forward-thinking temporal aspects as well as the implementation of existing resources in the creation of new spatial qualities"-- Provided by publisher.


9783038602606 paperback
3038602604 paperback


City planning Philosophy.
City planning Social aspects.
City planning Environmental aspects.
Open spaces.
Espaces verts.
open spaces.

Vedettes secondaires:

Degros, Aglaée, 1972- editor.
Bagaric, Anna, editor.
Bauer, Sabine, editor.
Radulova-Stahmer, Radostina, editor.
Stefan, Mario, editor.
Schwab, Eva, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315440
Cote: 315440
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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