Compositions (Archipress & Associés)
Compositions : Chatillon architectes / directeur de la publication, François Fontès.
Malakoff, France : Archipress & Associés, [2021]
64 pages : color illustrations, plans ; 30 cm.
'A'A' = L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, 0003-8695. Hors-série ; no 33
Behind his relaxed composure, François Chatillon is a man torn between paradoxes: creation versus conservation, on the one hand, and heritage versus contemporary architecture, on the other. In a field that demands objectivity, and although he professes his fascination for the impartial brand of restoration practiced in Catalonia, the Chief Architect for Historical Monuments (ACMH) considers his practice a work of creation, or at least interpretation. In his words as in his work, François Chatillon displays agility. His taste for provocation sometimes sends him on a path to contradiction: though he claims to hate the word ‘heritage’, he uses it constantly -- and how could he not? In many respects, his attitude betrays a desire to challenge the norms, including the most politically-charged. Despite his passionate rhetoric, his is a measured approach. The sting of doubt drives him to question every possibility in order to choose the most suited one. His professional life underwent a similar scrutiny when, at the age of 40, he threw caution to the wind and enrolled at the École de Chaillot, an experience that called into question the nature of his reflexes and eventually led him to the position of ACMH. Chatillon describes himself as a man of nuance. In the age of inflammatory tweets and authoritative stances, this ethical regimen is refreshing. -- From the 'A'A' website.
Chatillon, François, 1961- Interviews.
Chatillon architectes.
Architects France Interviews.
Architecture France Paris History 21st century.
Architecture France History 21st century.
Historic buildings Conservation and restoration France.
Architectes France Entretiens.
Architecture France Paris Histoire 21e siècle.
Architecture France Histoire 21e siècle.
Monuments historiques Conservation et restauration France.
France Buildings, structures, etc.
France Paris
Chatillon, François, 1961-
Fontès, François, editor.
Chatillon architectes, architect.
Architecture d'aujourd'hui. Hors-série ; no 33.
Chatillon architectes
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 310472
Cote: 255532
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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