Bruno, Giuliana, author. aut
Atmospheres of projection : environmentality in art and screen media / Giuliana Bruno.
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2022.
vii, 336 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm
"Following on the success of Surface, Bruno's previous book with us, in this new one she explores the act and art of "projection" in its manifold guises and what those can tell us about how we think and feel and create the world we inhabit. This is not just an exploration of the psychological operation of "projection"-the idea that we cast onto others the qualities we refuse to acknowledge in ourselves. It is a major work of cultural history and media archaeology. As a way to transform space and atmosphere, projection has a long history in the arts, dating back to shadow plays, camera obscuras, magic lantern shows, and phantasmagoria. But the atmosphere of projection is not a thing of the past alone. It is alive and well today. It continues to fascinate us as screens filled with moving figures pervade the spaces of the art gallery and the museum as well as the environments of our daily lives. What is the root of our fascination? How does it manifest in contemporary art? How do we define atmosphere? How is projection an atmosphere? Are these two modalities conceptually and historically related, and how so? Why are artists today so interested in environments and in elements of projection? To explain this continual fascination with projection and atmosphere, Bruno traverses psychoanalysis, architecture, the history of science, visual art, and moving image culture to see how projective mechanisms and their environments have developed over time"-- Provided by publisher.
9780226817453 hardcover
0226817458 hardcover
electronic book
Projection art.
Environment (Art)
Projections (Art)
projections (visual works)
ART / Criticism & Theory.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316018
Cote: 316018
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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