Brick 22 : outstanding international brick architecture / [edited by] Wienerberger
Zurich : Park Books AG, [2022]
277 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans, portraits ; 31 cm
"From hand-made brick to high-tech product: building with blocks of fired clay today draws from a heritage of nine millennia and remains innovative, sustainable, and highly appreciated for its manifold applications. Since 2004, Wienerberger, the world's largest manufacturer of bricks and other clay building materials, biannually presents the international Brick Award as a scene for outstanding achievements in brick architecture. The tenth edition of this master class in 2022 saw 789 submissions from fifty-three countries, that were reviewed by an international jury of experts. This book features the fifty nominees and the winning designs in five categories. All of them are presented through concise texts, atmospheric images, as well as site and floor plans, views, elevations, and sections. Topical essays by architect Matevz Celik, architecture historian Anna Cymer, publicist Wojciech Czaja, professor of architecture Isabella Leber, and architect Henrietta Palmer round out this survey of contemporary brick architecture. Wienerberger AG, established in Vienna in 1819, is today the world's largest manufacturer of bricks and other clay building materials." -- Provided by publisher
3038602787 hardcover
9783038602781 hardcover
Building, Brick.
Building, Brick Awards.
Construction en brique.
Construction en brique Prix et récompenses.
Dorsey, Brian, translator.
Wienerberger AG, editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316718
Cote: 316718
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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