Dammer, Udo.
Leafy house plants. Udo Dammer; Benjamin Wurster.
Karlsruhe : Slanted Publishers UG 2020.
224 p.
The cultivation of house plants does not always prove to be easy. With many plants there are special peculiarities that should be considered.00In 1899, the German botanist Udo Dammer wrote down his knowledge of the ins and outs of different houseplants and published the book ?Zimmerblattpflanzen? with 46 detailed plant illustrations.00120 years later, Benjamin Wurster accidentally came across a copy of this encyclopedia and now presents a new modern version of this book, including every plant illustration as well as the original German texts translated into English for the first time.
Wurster, Benjamin.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316911
Cote: 316911
Statut: Disponible
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