Monotowns : Soviet landscapes of post-industrial Russia / by Zupagrafika ; photography, Alexander Veryovkin ; foreword, Konstantin Budarin.
Entrée principale:

Veryovkin, Alexander, 1987- photographer.

Titre et auteur:

Monotowns : Soviet landscapes of post-industrial Russia / by Zupagrafika ; photography, Alexander Veryovkin ; foreword, Konstantin Budarin.


Poznań, Poland : Zupagrafika, 2021.


192 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 24 cm

"Texts, design and edition: David Navarro & Martyna Sobecka (Zupagrafika)"-- Colophon.
"Monotowns" is a follow-up to Concrete Siberia and Eastern Blocks"-- Page191.
"The pictures featured in Monotowns were taken over a two-year period during winter, with temperatures reaching -35° Celsius in some locations"-- Page191.
Foreword. Pretend it's a city : The fruits of enlightened industrialism / Konstantin Budarin -- Vorkuta -- Magnitogorsk -- Mirny -- Cherepovets -- Norilsk -- Tolyatti -- Nikel -- Monchegorsk -- Kirovsk.

"A photographic exploration of the Soviet monotowns--urban settlements erected around single industries in the hinterlands of the former USSR--; some thriving, others struggling to survive, still others partially abandoned. Through nine chapters with over 130 photographs, the book captures the post-industrial landscapes and Soviet-era architecture of the monogorods extending from the Arctic Circle to the Russian Far East, such as Vorkuta, Norilsk, Mirny, Tolyatti, Cherepovets, Magnitogorsk, Kirovsk, Monchegorsk and Nikel, and the daily lives of their inhabitants"-- Back cover.


9788395057489 (hardback)
8395057482 (hardback)


Company town architecture Russia (Federation) Pictorial works.
Company town architecture Soviet Union Pictorial works.
Architecture Russia (Federation) Pictorial works.
Architecture Soviet Union Pictorial works.
Concrete construction Russia (Federation) Pictorial works.
Concrete construction Soviet Union Pictorial works.
Company towns Russia (Federation) Pictorial works.
Company towns Soviet Union Pictorial works.
Historic industrial sites Russia (Federation) Pictorial works.
Historic industrial sites Soviet Union Pictorial works.
Photography Russia (Federation)
Architecture URSS Ouvrages illustrés.
Construction en béton Russie Ouvrages illustrés.
Construction en béton URSS Ouvrages illustrés.
Sites industriels historiques Russie Ouvrages illustrés.
Sites industriels historiques URSS Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie Russie.
Company town architecture.
Company towns.
Concrete construction.
Historic industrial sites.
Russia (Federation)
Soviet Union.


Pictorial works.

Vedettes secondaires:

Budarin, Konstantin, writer of foreword.
Navarro, David, editor, writer of added text.
Sobecka, Martyna, editor, writer of added text.
Zupagrafika (Design studio), issuing body, publisher.

Soviet landscapes of post-industrial Russia


Localisation: Bibliothèque main
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Commandé


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