Mãe Luíza - building optimism / edited by Ion de Andrade, Tomislav Dushanov, Nicole Miescher, Lars Müller.
Zurich : Lars Müller Publishers, [2021]
274 pages (some folded) : illustrations (chiefly color), charts, maps, plans, portraits ; 24 cm
Over the past 30 years, the district of Mãe Luíza in Brazil's northeastern city of Natal developed from a desolate favela into a functioning community. From the first humanitarian aid to construction of a gymnasium, this persistent process is outlined in short articles and essays in the second part of this richly illustrated volume. The documentation impressively demonstrates how transformation was achieved step by step with the help of many, laying the groundwork for ongoing progress. Less crime, better education, and a fairer society - much has been accomplished and even more is possible for the future.00A story by bestselling author Paulo Lins (?City of God?) tells the stirring tale of the establishment of the Brazilian favela Mãe Luíza. Fleeing drought and deadly heat, the people there fought for a piece of land to call their own, hoping for a better life. Thanks to their optimism and solidarity, their vision gradually took shape.0.
9783037786826 (pbk.)
3037786825 (pbk.)
Architecture and society Brazil Natal.
City planning Brazil Natal.
Architecture et société Brésil Natal (Rio Grande do Norte)
Architecture and society
City planning
Mãe Luiza (Natal, Brazil) History.
Brazil Natal
Lins, Paulo, 1958- Creating a New Sun.
Andrade, Ion de, editor.
Dushanov, Tomislav, editor.
Miescher, Nicole, editor.
Müller, Lars, 1955- editor.
Building optimism
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315721
Cote: 315721
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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