Hollywood, legend and reality / edited by Michael Webb.
1st ed.
Boston : Little, Brown, in association with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, ©1986.
xi, 227 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 x 28 cm
This book was published in conjunction with a 1986-1988 Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition. The text consists mostly of excerpts from earlier publications. The book offers chapters on production, direction, screenwriting, design, scoring and other topics. The illustrative material is of particular interest. While some of the items have been pictured in other books, most are rare photographs of stars, directors at work, props and others subjects. ISBN 0-8212-1588-4: $40.00 (For use only in the library).
0821215892 (pbk.)
9780821215890 (pbk.)
0821215884 (hardback)
9780821215883 (hardback)
Motion picture industry United States History.
Motion picture industry United States Exhibitions.
Motion pictures United States History.
Cinéma États-Unis Histoire.
Cinéma Industrie États-Unis Histoire.
Cinéma Industrie États-Unis Expositions.
Motion picture industry
Motion pictures
United States
Los Angeles- Hollywood
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Webb, Michael, 1937-
National Museum of American History (U.S.)
Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
Center for the Fine Arts (Miami, Fla.)
Cincinnati Art Museum.
Denver Art Museum.
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 141440
Statut: Disponible
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