Boigon, Brian, 1955- speaker.
Fucking with interoperability : Culture Lab 1991-94.
[Montréal] : Canadian Centre for Architecture, [2016]
1 online resource (1 video file (1 hr., 11 min.)) : sound, color
Brian Boigon ran Culture Lab at the back of a rock club in Toronto from 1991 to 1994. The object of Culture Lab was to intellectually entangle and compress the distance between theory and product--and to ultimately create a new space of interoperability whereby speakers, hosted on stage by Boigon, would be thrown into an unknown social architecture, yielding new speculations about what constitutes cultural production in the transitional years between the analogue and the digital. Boigon<U+2019>s talk addresses the temporal and social ramifications that led up and into the Culture Lab project and beyond.
Culture Lab.
Popular culture Congresses.
Arts and society History 20th century Congresses.
Culture populaire Congrès.
Arts et société Histoire 20e siècle Congrès.
Arts and society.
Popular culture.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Conference papers and proceedings.
Borasi, Giovanna, 1971- host.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, organizer, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.
French title from CCA website: Jouer avec l'interopérabilité : Culture Lab 1991-1994
Localisation: Bibliothèque internet resource 304123
Cote: 304123
Statut: Disponible
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