Haute couture architecture : the art of Living Without Walls / written by Anneke van Waesberghe ; foreword by Susan Rockefeller ; with contributions from Shigeru Ban, Yuma Horikoshi, William McDonough, Cherie Nursalim, and Robert Thurman.
Entrée principale:

Waesberghe, Anneke van, author, designer.

Titre et auteur:

Haute couture architecture : the art of Living Without Walls / written by Anneke van Waesberghe ; foreword by Susan Rockefeller ; with contributions from Shigeru Ban, Yuma Horikoshi, William McDonough, Cherie Nursalim, and Robert Thurman.


First edition.


Novato, California : ORO Editions ; [Bali] : Living Without Walls, 2022


303 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 22 x 31 cm

Includes bibliographical references (page 302) and indexes.
I. Bridging the Gap -- II. A day in the life of Escape Nomad Sanctuary -- III. Living without walls : The art of life ; The invisible world ; Moment of awakening ; Living fearlessly - the Buddha's royal reason of relativity, per Buddha, Einstein, & Wittgenstein / Robert Turman ; Rituals ; Intentions ; Designing your life with a personal journal ; The simple yet extravagant life ; Make tea time a ritual ; Recipes for the simple yet extravagant life -- IV. Global paradigm shift -- V. Simplicity from hoteliers : From old luxury to the luxury of simplicity ; The new paradigm traveler ; Elegant eco-travelers ; Creating the luxury of simplicity in hospitality ; The Beige - Angkor Wat, Cambodia ; Aarunya nature resort - Kandy, Sri Lanka ; Kapuhala - Koh Samui, Thailand ; Raffles Grand Hotel d'Angkor - Siem Reap, Cambodia ; Selong Selo luxury residences - Lombok, Indonesia ; Keikoku Snow Tent - Tokyo, Japan ; Kura Kura "Island of Happiness" Bali, Indonesia ; Experiences ; Royal high tea, Spa by the river ; Dining with intent; Picnics at the sanctuary -- VI. Haute Couture architecture inspirations : Art Nouveau ; Wabi-Sabi ; East meets West in design ; Contrast and harmony / Shigeru Ban ; Modern architecture ; Earthworks art ; Design for the environment ; Biophilia ; Timeless mindfulness / William McDonough ; Tented architecture for global nomads ; Balinese vernacular architecture -- VII. Haute Couture architecture.

Haute Couture Architecture: The Art of Living Without Walls by Anneke van Waesberghe is so much more than a book about tented green building architecture. The book is part design manifesto, part personal diary, and part manual for future sustainable living. One in which rampant consumerism has been replaced by a more thoughtful design from the excesses of modern times to a new state of being for living sustainably and in harmony with the rhythms of the planet. It is the tale of one woman's odyssey living alone in the jungle finding true meaning in life and manifesting its beauty into a way of sustainable living that may set a blueprint for our future existence on Earth. The author leads readers to encounter a new paradigm by showing the luxury of simplicity and the beauty of small things. With our consumer way of living and doing things and how the world is evolving, the pace we follow as consumers rather than humans has become outdated and is not the way to go forward. We cannot solve new problems that follow our destructive actions; we have to shift our thinking from 'me' to 'we'. Haute Couture Architecture respects artisans, hand-made goods, self-sufficiency, and caring for nature. Being close to nature is a lifestyle of forward-thinking outside the box and is a natural means to discovering ourselves. Ultimately Haute Couture Architecture: The Art of Living Without Walls bridges the gap between nature and architecture.


9781954081628 (hardcover)
1954081626 (hardcover)


Escape Nomade (Firm)
Sustainable architecture Indonesia Bali (Province)
Resort architecture Indonesia Bali (Province)
Tents Indonesia Bali (Province)
Architecture durable Indonésie Bali (Province)
Architecture des lieux de villégiature Indonésie Bali (Province)
Tentes Indonésie Bali (Province)
Resort architecture
Sustainable architecture
Indonesia Bali (Province)

Vedettes secondaires:

Rockefeller, Susan Cohn, 1959- writer of foreword.
Ban, Shigeru, 1957- contributor.
Horikoshi, Yuma, contributor.
McDonough, William, contributor.
Nursalim, Cherie, contributor.
Thurman, Robert, contributor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 315166
Cote: 315166
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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