Parker, John Henry, 1806-1884.
Antiquities of Rome in danger : an appeal for help to save them / by John Henry Parker ; being a statement of the accounts of the Roman Exploration Fund for 1872, with an explanation of them, and a concise history of that fund and what has been done with its aid.
[England : s.n., 1873] (Whitefriars : Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., Printers)
14 p. ; 23 cm.
Roman Exploration Fund.
Archaeological expeditions Italy Rome.
Excavations (Archaeology) Italy Rome.
Expéditions archéologiques Italie Rome.
Fouilles (Archéologie) Italie Rome.
Archaeological expeditions.
Classical antiquities.
Excavations (Archaeology)
Rome Antiquities.
Rome (Italy) Antiquities, Roman.
Rome Antiquités.
Italy Rome.
Rome (Empire)
Roman Exploration Fund.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 252861
Cote: BIB 182679
Statut: Disponible
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