Lifson, Edward.
How truth and beauty moved from the classical to the modern : from Athens to Berlin to Chicago; from the Acropolis to Schinkel to Mies / by Edward Lifson.
viii, 74 p. : ill. (some col.), ports. ; 22 cm.
"This paper examines the influence of German architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781 - 1841) on a later German architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886 - 1969). Both worked in Berlin, Mies van der Rohe (known as Mies) worked during the later part of his life in Chicago. Schinkel and Mies believed that 'Truth' and 'Beauty' should be expressed in architecture. Schinkel was the foremost neoclassical German architect, Mies was a founder of Modernism. This paper shows how many of Schinkel's ideas and forms were absorbed by Mies, transformed and then found their way into Mies's buildings, urbanism and even his furniture design. Schinkel was informed by the Enlightenment and believed that the right kind of buildings could encourage good citizenship and more cultured individuals. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe believed the same, and updated the ideas by using more abstraction and modern materials."--P. viii.
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 1781-1841 Influence.
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 1781-1841 Criticism and interpretation.
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 Criticism and interpretation.
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969.
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 1781-1841.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)
American architects.
Swiss architects.
Architecture (object genre) United States.
Architecture (object genre) Germany.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 276425
Cote: BIB 211031
Statut: Disponible
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