The builder's magazine, or, Monthly companion for architects, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, &c. ... : consisting of designs in architecture, in every stile and taste ... together with the plans and sections, serving as an unerring assistant in the construction of any building, from a palace to a cottage ... / by a society of architects, each having undertaken the department in which he particularly excels.
Titre et auteur:

The builder's magazine, or, Monthly companion for architects, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, &c. ... : consisting of designs in architecture, in every stile and taste ... together with the plans and sections, serving as an unerring assistant in the construction of any building, from a palace to a cottage ... / by a society of architects, each having undertaken the department in which he particularly excels.


London : Printed for the authors, and sold by F. Newbery ... and all other booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland, [1774-1778]


[4], 345, 100 p., CLXXXV leaves of plates (some folded) : ill. (2 col.), plans ; 27 cm. (4to)

Issued in parts, 1774-1778.
Organized in two sections, the first consisting of 345 p. of text organized under headings arranged in alphabetical order, and the second consisting of the plates and their accompanying text (100 p.). The text accompanying the plates is signed by John Carter, who designed most of the plates (cf. Harris).
Plate 78 misnumbered "LXXVII"; plate 162 misnumbered "CLXIII"; plate 163 misnumbered "CLXIV".
Harris, E. assisted by N. Savage. British architectural books and writers, 1556-1785, 67

Architecture Early works to 1800.
Building Early works to 1800.
Architecture Ouvrages avant 1800.
Construction Ouvrages avant 1800.
Architecture (object genre)


Early works.

Vedettes secondaires:

Carter, John, 1748-1817.

Monthly companion for architects, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, &c.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 228648
Cote: NA2515 .B8 1774
Statut: Disponible


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