Denari, Neil M. interviewee.
Neil Denari in conversation with Greg Lynn, 2015.
Audio recording: 1 online resource (1 audio file (53 min., 36 sec.)) : digital
Restricted access.
Recordings of an interview where Greg Lynn and Neil Denari discuss Interrupted Projections, a gallery installation that used renderings, animations and one of the earliest augmented reality devices to extend its concern with the way architecture engages with commercial and symbolic systems of value. This is part of the CCA multi-year research project Archaeology of the Digital, investigating the development and use of computers in architecture.
Denari, Neil M. Interviews.
Denari, Neil M.
Centre canadien d'architecture Interviews.
Centre canadien d'architecture
Architecture Data processing.
Architecture and technology.
Installations (Art)
Computer architecture.
Ordinateurs Architecture.
Architecture et technologie.
Architecture Informatique.
installations (visual works)
Sound recordings.
Oral histories.
WAVE (format)
Lynn, Greg interviewer.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Localisation: Bibliothèque electronic resource 308728
Cote: 308728
Notes: Audio recording (WAV) not available for consultation
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque electronic resource 308729
Cote: 308728
Notes: Transcript not available for consultation
Statut: Disponible
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