Keeton, Rachel speaker.
Learning from... Saadiyat.
[Montréal] : CCA, [2014]
1 streaming video file (1 hr., 7 min., 23 sec.) : sound, colour
Saadiyat Island is a "dreamscape" created by Tourism Development & Investment Company just half a kilometer from downtown Abu Dhabi. It is an amalgam of luxury residential areas, 5-star resorts and golf courses crowned by a Cultural District containing a hallucinatory collection of museums designed by five Pritzker Prize winners. Is this the future of private development? Presented by Rachel Keeton, author of Rising in the East: Contemporary New Towns in Asia and project leader of the "New Towns: Africa program" at the International New Town Institute.
City planning United Arab Emirates Abū Ẓaby.
City planning.
United Arab Emirates Abū Ẓaby.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, organizer, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.
Enseignement de... (Lecture and film series) (2014 : Centre canadien d'architecture)
French title from CCA website: Enseignement de... Saadiyat
Title from presentation slide: To withdraw like a monk and live like a prince : learning from Saadiyat Island
Localisation: Bibliothèque internet resource 305476
Cote: 305476
Statut: Disponible
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