The Builder's dictionary, or, Gentleman and architect's companion [microform] : explaining not only the terms of art in all the several parts of architecture, but also containing the theory and practice of the various branches thereof ... faithfully digested from the most approved writers on the subjects.
Titre et auteur:

The Builder's dictionary, or, Gentleman and architect's companion [microform] : explaining not only the terms of art in all the several parts of architecture, but also containing the theory and practice of the various branches thereof ... faithfully digested from the most approved writers on the subjects.


London : Printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, 1734.


2 v. : ill. (some folded) ; 20 cm.

Title-page continues: Also necessary problems in arithmetic, geometry, mechanics, perspective, hydraulics, and other mathematical sciences. Together with the quantities, proportions and prices of all kinds of materials used in building; with directions for chusing, preparing and using them; the several proportions of the five orders of architecture, and all their members, according to Victruvius, Palladio, Scamozzi, Bignola, M. Le Clerc, &c. With rules for the valuation of houses, and the expence calculated of erecting any fabrick, great or small. The whole illustrated with more than two hundred figures, many of them curiously engraven on copper-plates: being a work of great use, not only to artificers, but likewise to gentlemen, and others, concerned in building, &c.
At end of vol. I: A Supplement containing "additions and corrections communicated to the compiler ... after the sheets were printed off"; also the printer's list.
At end of vol. II: A Supplement similar to that of vol. I; also the printer's list and Errata.
6 plates repeated on film at end of v.1; pages of v.2 lacking in original: [49], [9], incl. plates XVI-XXXIII; 6 plates repeated on film at end of v.2 ; no. A4.
Microfilm. New Haven, Conn. : Research Publications, 1971. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (American architectural books supplement : based on the Helen Park list : reel 1, no. A4).

Architecture Dictionaries.



Vedettes secondaires:

Gentleman and architect's companion.
American architectural books supplement : based on the Helen Park list.


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room microform 48415
Cote: ID87B7159s115 MFM; ID:89-B7466
Statut: Disponible


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