Report upon an examination of some of the gas manufactories in Great Britain, France, and Belgium, under a resolution passed by the Select and Common Council of the city of Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1834, authorizing the Gas committee to engage a competent person to proceed to Europe for the purpose of examining gas works, with a view of obtaining the best information as to the construction of works, the manner of manufacturing gas, and in general make such observations as may be useful, in the event of councils determining to adopt a plan for lighting the city with gas / by S.V. Merrick.
Entrée principale:

Merrick, S. V. (Samuel Vaughan), 1801-1870.

Titre et auteur:

Report upon an examination of some of the gas manufactories in Great Britain, France, and Belgium, under a resolution passed by the Select and Common Council of the city of Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1834, authorizing the Gas committee to engage a competent person to proceed to Europe for the purpose of examining gas works, with a view of obtaining the best information as to the construction of works, the manner of manufacturing gas, and in general make such observations as may be useful, in the event of councils determining to adopt a plan for lighting the city with gas / by S.V. Merrick.


Philadelphia : printed by Order of Councils, 1834.


45 p. ; 21 cm.

Library copy on ID93B334: bound (2) with Report of the Committee to whom was referred sundry memorials against lighting the city with gas. Philadelphia : printed by Lydia R. Bailey, 1833

gas (material)



Vedettes secondaires:

Franklin Institute Trade Catalogue Collection.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 68737
Cote: ID TCFX; ID:91-B3870
Statut: Disponible


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