Sites of learning : the architecture of educational reform in Toronto, 1847-1917 / by Kai Wood Mah.
Entrée principale:

Mah, Kai Wood, 1969-

Titre et auteur:

Sites of learning : the architecture of educational reform in Toronto, 1847-1917 / by Kai Wood Mah.




310 leaves : ill. (some col.), plans, ports. ; 28 cm.

Thesis (Ph.D.)--McGill University, 2009.
Includes bibliographical references.
Abstract -- Table of contents -- Acknowledgements -- List of illustrations -- Introduction -- The Ontario Educational Exhibit, 1876 -- The ideal architecture of education -- The architecture of school interiors -- A boy's educational home -- Cheerful, clean and moral environments -- Architects, school design, and practice -- Conclusion -- Bibliography
Also available online.
Photocopy. Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2009. 310 p. : ill (some col.), plans. ; 22 cm.
Abstract also in French.

Compulsory education represents one facet of a larger social transformation of working-class children and families in the late nineteenth century. Competing ideas of schooling children and their well-being informed the cultural ferment of these years, as educationists, reformers, specialists, and politicians debated the idea of childhood. By 1917, the Toronto Public School Board's multiple locations of reform consisted of ninety-nine sites in the city, ranging from the ubiquitous school buildings to more specialized spaces such as industrial and open-air schools. From its formation in 1847 until 1917 when the Department of Health took over children's public health, the Toronto Public School Board aside from providing free education also acted as an agency of social, juvenile penal, and health reform of children. This dissertation analyzes these years of reform by exploring various architectural sites designed purposefully to implement modern reforms from 1847 to 1917. In examining the Ontario Educational Exhibit of 1876; the Toronto Normal School and Model Schools; the Toronto public school buildings; the Victoria Industrial School for Boys in Mimico; the open-air schools; playgrounds and other material culture of education, I show the complex links education had to industrial capitalism, popular education, school design, juvenile penal reform, architectural practice, and medicine. Organized in a loose chronological order, the six chapters illuminate the ways in which architecture and spatial dimensions informed the process of schooling children, legislating children and childhoods, defining professionalism, and other forces in the educational landscapes that shaped both the experience of the makers and users in these formative years.


Educational change Ontario Toronto History.
School buildings Ontario Toronto History.
Enseignement Réforme Ontario Toronto Histoire.
Constructions scolaires Ontario Toronto Histoire.
Educational change.
School buildings.
Ontario Toronto.
Schools (buildings) Canada Ontario Toronto 1840-1920.



Vedettes secondaires:

Architecture of educational reform in Toronto, 1847-1917


Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 276430
Cote: NA6608.C292 T6 2009
Statut: Disponible


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