Rumpfhuber, Andreas speaker.
Toolkit for today : activisms : rethinking public housing / Andreas Rumpfhuber.
[Montréal] : Canadian Centre for Architecture, [2018]
1 streaming video file (1 hr., 58 min., 56 sec.) : sound, colour
Andreas Rumpfhuber speaks on rethinking public housing, as part of the weeklong workshop and seminar series Toolkit for today : activisms. Rumpfhuber's work focuses on new forms of labour and housing, both through the work of his office Expanded Design and as the author of books such as 'Modelling Vienna, real fictions in social housing' (2015) and 'Wunschmaschine Wohnanlage : Eine Studie zur funktionalen Nachverdichtung von 46 Grosswohnanlagen der Stadt Wien' (2016). Toolkit for today : activisms, interrogates the different forms that engaged practice can take for scholars of architecture. But what counts as activism? How can architectural research be mobilized in the service of society?
Public housing Austria Vienna.
City planning Austria Vienna.
Logement social Autriche Vienne.
City planning.
Public housing.
Austria Vienna.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Förster, Kim, 1973- host.
Boissier, Philippe director, editor of moving image work.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, organizer, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.
Toolkit for today (Conference) (2018 : Montréal, Québec)
Rethinking public housing
French title on CCAchannel: Andreas Rumpfhuber : réévaluer le logement social
Title from presentation slide: Wunschmaschine Wohnanlage : a study to functionally densify 46 large scale housing estates owned by the municipality of Vienna
Localisation: Bibliothèque internet resource 305523
Cote: 305523
Statut: Disponible
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