Dark mirrors / Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa.
Entrée principale:

Wolukau-Wanambwa, Stanley, author.

Titre et auteur:

Dark mirrors / Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa.


First edition.


[UK] : MACK, [2021]


285 pages : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction: times like these -- Between immersion and interpretation: Charlotte Cotton: Photography is Magic -- TEXTING: Joel W. Fisher: Agapage -- An object of black study: Arthur Jafa: A Series of Utterly Improbable, Yet Extraordinary Renditions -- Word and image: Rabih Mroué: The Pixelated Revolution -- Re(al) reflection: Daniel Shea: 43-45 10th Street -- The discipline of modern economic life: Katy Grannan: The Ninety Nine & The Nine -- Wanting to be held: Robert Bergman: A Kind of Rapture -- The projects: Dana Lixenberg: Imperial Courts -- The play of freedoms: Rosalind Fox Solomon: Liberty Theater -- Memory hole: Ron Jude: Lago -- Ruinous Silences: Jason Koxvold: KNIVES -- Into the abyss: Mark Ruwedel: Pictures of Hell -- World-less: Kristine Potter: Manifest -- Spectacular opacities: Paul Pfeiffer: Caryatid (Broner) -- Black stars: Deana Lawson: 'Deana Lawson' at Huis Marseille -- Epilogue: in Memoriam. In Baltz's Wake: A Thought of Landscape in Contemporary Photography.

Dark Mirrors' assembles sixteen essays by photographer and critic Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa focusing on contemporary fine art photographic and video practices that are principally, though not exclusively, rooted in the United States, written between 2015 and 2021. Wolukau-Wanambwa analyses the image's relationship to the urgent and complex questions that define our era, through the lens of artistic practices and works which insightfully engage with the ongoing contemporaneity of disparate histories and the ever-changing status of the visual in social life. The book sets out an argument that one of the most dynamic sites of artistic invention in photographic practice over the past decade has been the photographic book, and thus many of the essays in the volume assess artistic works as they are bodied forth in that form. Among the recurrent themes that emerge from these rigorous, probing essays are the complex interrelationship of anti-blackness and visuality, the fragility and complexity of embodied difference in portraiture, the potency of verbal and visual media as social forms, and the politics of attention. With essays on Deana Lawson, Dana Lixenberg, Paul Pfeiffer, Arthur Jafa, Katy Grannan, and Robert Bergman among others.


1913620395 (hardback)
9781913620394 (hardback)


Jafa, Arthur Criticism and interpretation.
Lawson, Deana, 1979- Criticism and interpretation.
Jude, Ron, 1965- Criticism and interpretation.
Jude, Ron, 1965-
Photographic criticism United States History.
Photographic criticism United States.
Art and photography.
Critique photographique États-Unis Histoire.
Critique photographique États-Unis.
Livres photos.
Art et photographie.
Photographic criticism
United States


Criticism, interpretation, etc.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319711
Cote: 319711
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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