Swissness applied : learning from New Glarus / Nicole McIntosh & Jonathan Louie.
Entrée principale:

McIntosh, Nicole, author.

Titre et auteur:

Swissness applied : learning from New Glarus / Nicole McIntosh & Jonathan Louie.


Zurich : Park Books, [2021]


271 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 30 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.
A New Urban Type Emerges: Frankenmuth, Solvang, New Glarus -- Exhibition at Work: New Glarus, Between Fiction and Reality / Philip Ursprung -- Swissifying A Village: Wisconsin's Little Switzerland -- "John What Henry" Model and Drawing Series -- How I Forgot Where I'm From and Learned to Live Abroad / Kurt W. Forster -- Fabricating Swissness -- "Tell No Cabbage" Model and Drawing Series -- Yes ... Swissness / Whitney Moon -- Image Building: The Swiss Architectural Theme -- "It has as Long as it Has" Model and Drawing Series -- The Dream of Reason Produces Monsters / Jesus Vassallo -- Exhibition Index -- Lost (and Found) in Translation / Courtney Coffman -- Swiss Chalet / Interview with Patrick Lambertz.

Founded by Swiss settlers in 1845, New Glarus in Wisconsin evolved from being a dairy farming and cheese production village to a popular tourist destination. Following a grave economic downturn in the 1960s and 1970s, the community discovered embracing the image of its cultural heritage, particularly traditional architectural details, as a way of survival. Consequently, they began to change their commercial building façades to appear even more Swiss. Since 1999, the town has even regulated the production of new buildings via its building codes to preserve this particular aesthetic evoking the familiar traditional Swiss chalet style. Swissness Applied investigates the transformation of European immigrant towns in the United States, exemplified by New Glarus. It features the results of extensive fieldwork on buildings in the village as well as design projections based on the local building code and evaluates the outcomes through different representation techniques. Expert authors including Courtney Coffman, Kurt Forster, Whitney Moon, Philip Ursprung, and Jesús Vassallo contribute essays that pick up on aspects such as the role of cultural imagery and immigration history in architecture, and on Swissness as a cultural concept in particular. Contributions by Courtney Coffman, Kurt Forster, Jonathan Louie, Nicole McIntosh, Whitney Moon, Philip Ursprung, Jesús Vassallo. With a conversation with Patrick Lambertz and a preface by Marc Angélil and Cary Siress.


9783038602446 paperback


Architecture, Swiss Wisconsin New Glarus.
National characteristics, Swiss.
Architecture, Swiss Wisconsin.
Architecture, Swiss
New Glarus (Wis.) Buildings, structures, etc.
Wisconsin New Glarus.

Vedettes secondaires:

Louie, Jonathan, author.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315176
Cote: 315176
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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