INUA : Inuit moving forward together = Inuit nunangat ungammuaktut atautikkut.
Winnipeg, MB : Winnipeg Art Gallery, [2022]
189 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm
"INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut / Inuit Moving Forward Together brings together over one hundred modern and contemporary artworks created by 91 Inuit artists from across Inuit Nunangat (the four Inuit regions of Canada) as well as Alaska and Greenland. INUA is the inaugural exhibition of the new Inuit art centre, Qaumajuq, at the Winnipeg Art Gallery, which was installed throughout the 8,000 sq ft main gallery space named Qilak, meaning "sky" in Inuktut; the largest single gallery space devoted to Inuit art and culture. Comprised of fifteen newly commissioned works, national and international loans, and works drawn from the Winnipeg Art Gallery and Government of Nunavut collections, INUA highlights the depth and breadth of Inuit artistic production today, featuring works in a dynamic array of media from sculptures, prints, and textiles to drone photography, sound installations, murals and wearable art. The title, INUA, has two meanings, referring to the Inuktut term for the spirit or life force of all things, but also as an acronym reflecting the curators vision for Qaumajuq as a site where Inuit from throughout Inuit Nunaat (the Inuit region of the circumpolar world from Siberia to Greeland) can collectively gather, share, be inspired by previous generations, and create new pathways forward in Inuit art."-- Provided by publisher.
9781773070056 (hardcover)
Inuit art Canada Exhibitions.
Inuit art Alaska Exhibitions.
Inuit art Greenland Exhibitions.
Art inuit Canada Expositions.
Art inuit Alaska Expositions.
Art inuit Groenland Expositions.
Inuit art
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Winnipeg Art Gallery, publisher, host institution.
INUA. Inuktut.
Inuit moving forward together
Inuit nunangat ungammuaktut atautikkut
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315544
Cote: 315544
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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