Mericle, Danielle, 1975- photographer, author.
The dark wood / Danielle Mericle ; text and images edited by Danielle Mericle, Tricia Gabriel, and Mike Slack.
First edition.
[Los Angeles] : The Ice Plant ; [Melbourne, Australia] : Perimeter Editions, 2021.
Netherlands : Printed by Wilco Art Books
1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 30 cm
Danielle Mericle's The Dark Wood explores broad questions of history and our collective ability to document and learn from the past. Through intertwined images of abandoned Greco-Roman casts, an ancient Sequoia forest and the artist's own texts, Mericle invites us to consider history as a fluid process rather than a static truth. The once highly valued casts - which appear in the book as original and archival photographs - were rejected as worthless copies during the early part of the 20th century, under the belief that they lacked the artistry and aura of the originals, despite the fact that many of the 'originals' were in fact Roman copies of Greek artefacts.
9781922545022 (paperback)
1922545023 (paperback)
Portrait sculpture, Greco-Roman Pictorial works.
Busts, Roman Pictorial works.
Casts Pictorial works.
Giant sequoia Pictorial works.
Forests in art.
Originality in art.
Art and history.
Photography, Artistic.
Photography of art.
Nature photography.
Sculpture de portraits gréco-romaine Ouvrages illustrés.
Bustes romains Ouvrages illustrés.
Moules (Objets) Ouvrages illustrés.
Séquoia géant Ouvrages illustrés.
Forêts dans l'art.
Originalité dans l'art.
Art et histoire.
Photographie artistique.
Photographie d'œuvres d'art.
Photographie de la nature.
art photography.
nature photography.
Busts, Roman
Giant sequoia
Portrait sculpture, Greco-Roman
photographic prints.
artists' books (books)
Artists' books
Illustrated works
Livres d'artistes.
Livres de photographies.
Alexandridis, Annetta, photographer.
Ice Plant (Publisher), issuing body.
Perimeter Editions, issuing body.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319975
Cote: 319975
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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