Richard Tuttle : what is the object? / edited by Peter N. Miller.
New York City : Bard Graduate Center, [2022]
200 pages : color illustrations ; 29 x 30 cm
"For Richard Tuttle (b. 1941), the object, and the work, is intended for communication. Where others find in history answers to the questions objects pose, Tuttle, instead, finds the questions that drive his art--asking us to think about what objects mean, and how. Richard Tuttle: What Is the Object? is the first publication to explore the influential American artist's object collection and the cards on which he has recorded his thoughts about these items over the past five decades"-- Provided by publisher.
9780300266351 (hardcover)
9781941792353 limited edition
Tuttle, Richard, 1941- Art collections Exhibitions.
Tuttle, Richard, 1941-
Artists as collectors United States Exhibitions.
Object (Aesthetics) Exhibitions.
Objet (Esthétique) Expositions.
Art Private collections
Artists as collectors
Object (Aesthetics)
United States
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Tuttle, Richard, 1941-
Miller, Peter N., 1964- editor, interviewer, writer of supplementary textual content.
Gladman, Renee, writer of supplementary textual content.
White, Bruce, 1962- photographer.
Ewald, Christina, photographer.
Derycke, Luc, designer.
Bard Graduate Center Gallery, host institution.
What is the object?
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316586
Cote: 316586
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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