Penser-faire : quand les architectes se mêlent de construction = Thinking-making : when architects engage in construction / Pauline Lefebvre, Julie Neuwels, Jean-Philippe Possoz (dir./eds.).
Bruxelles : Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, [2021]
220 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), portraits (some color) ; 24 cm.
Collection - Architecture, urbanisme, paysagisme, 2736-5743
"'Architects do not make buildings, they design them.' This book explores situations, whether contemporary or historical, which challenge this division between design and construction. It investigates the growing prominence of making in architecture through a series of case-studies: design-build pedagogies, material experimentations in the design process, the aestheticization of traces of the construction, the use of reclaimed materials, digital fabrication, the crafts attached to raw-earth construction, or practices of self-building. Throughout its eleven chapters, the book interrogates the promises of making in terms of other possible relationships to materials, techniques, actors and the environment."--Page 4 of printed paper wrapper.
9782800417578 paperback
2800417579 paperback
Construction industry Planning.
Construction Industrie Planification.
constructions (sculpture)
architecture (discipline)
Lefebvre, Pauline, editor.
Neuwels, Julie, editor.
Possoz, Jean-Philippe, editor, contributor.
Ingold, Tim, 1948- author of preface.
Architecture, urbanisme, paysagisme (Series)
Thinking-making : when architects engage in construction
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 317627
Cote: 317627
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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