The power of past greatness : urban renewal of historic centres in European dictatorships / Harald Bodenschatz [and five others] ; Harald Bodenschatz, Max Welch Guerra (eds.) ; translation, Irene Wilson.
Entrée principale:

Bodenschatz, Harald, author, editor.

Titre et auteur:

The power of past greatness : urban renewal of historic centres in European dictatorships / Harald Bodenschatz [and five others] ; Harald Bodenschatz, Max Welch Guerra (eds.) ; translation, Irene Wilson.


Berlin : DOM Publishers, [2021]


191 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 31 cm.


Schriften des Architekturmuseums der Technischen Universität Berlin = Papers of the Architecture Museum at the Technical University of Berlin
Schriften des Bauhaus-Instituts für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur und Planung der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar = Papers of the Bauhaus Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture and Planning at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Translated from the German.
Original title: Altstadterneuerung in Diktaturen : ein städtebauliches Erbe Europas--OCLC #1288356434.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

The redevelopment of historical centres became an important policy field in the era of European dictatorships following the First World War. At that time historical centres were regarded as shabby and as tarnishing the desired image of a magnificent new city, of a showcase of the dictatorship. This led to the widespread demolition of older buildings. Historical streets and squares disappeared and were replaced by new apartments and workplaces for the loyal middle classes, by car-friendly roads and ostentatious new buildings. Nevertheless, the redevelopment of historical centres did not exclusively mean the eradication of the 'old town'. The aim of the dictatorship in many cases was also the preservation, and often the cultic display, of historical testimonials to past greatness. The book presents examples of the redevelopment of historical centres in Mussolini's Italy (Rome, Brescia, Bologna, Naples), in Stalin?s Soviet Union (Moscow), in Hitler's Germany (Berlin), in Salazar's Portugal (Lisbon, Évora, Óbidos) and in Franco's Spain (Madrid, Toledo, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Santillana del Mar). These are followed by a brief summary of the history of the redevelopment of historical centres in Europe. This volume represents the very first attempt to identify the commonalities and differences in the redevelopment of historical centres in dictatorships in Europe in the first half of the 20th century.


9783869222059 (English) hardcover
3869222050 (English) hardcover


Urban renewal Europe History 20th century.
Dictatorship Europe History 20th century.
Rénovation urbaine Europe Histoire 20e siècle.
Dictature Europe Histoire 20e siècle.
Urban renewal
Architektura i polityka Europa 20 w.
Urbanistyka aspekt polityczny Europa 20 w.
Dzielnice staromiejskie konserwacja i restauracja Europa 20 w.
Rewitalizacja miast Europa 20 w.



Vedettes secondaires:

Welch Guerra, Max, 1956- author, editor.
Wilson, Irene (Translator), translator.
Schriften des Architekturmuseums der Technischen Universität Berlin.
Schriften des Bauhaus-Instituts für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur und Planung der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Urban renewal of historic centres in European dictatorships


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315634
Cote: 315634
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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