Theatre / Dan Graham.
Entrée principale:

Graham, Dan, 1942-2022, artist, performer, author.

Titre et auteur:

Theatre / Dan Graham.


Facsimile edition.


Brooklyn, New York : Primary Information, 2021.


1 volume : illustrations (black-&-white), photographs ; 21 cm

"Produced in an edition of 2500"--colophon.
Lax/Relax (1969) -- Like (1971) -- Past Future Split Attention (1972) -- Intention Intentionality Sequence (1972) -- Performer/Audience Sequence (1975) -- Performer/Audience Mirror (1977) -- Identification Projection (1977)
Originally published: Anton Herbert, 1978.
Text in American English.

"Theatre is an artist book that documents seven early performances by Dan Graham taking place from 1969 to 1977 with notes, transcripts, or photographs for each work. Originally published in 1978, and produced here in facsimile form, the publication focuses on several key works that interrogate or undermine the psychological and social space created by, or between, individuals inside the performance venue. Like most of Graham's work, they also serve as a critique of cultural norms, with many of the performances utilizing quotidian, social acts that are amplified over time. For example, in Lax/Relax (1969), Graham's subversion of West Coast new ageism, the artist chants "relax" in sync with a recording of a woman saying "lax" in a meditative manner, which implicates the audience into a group breathing exercise or hypnosis over the course of 30 minutes. Throughout the '70s, the artist engaged in a series of works that subverted the prescribed roles of the audience and performer by creating conditions in which each simultaneously functions as both (creating a type of feedback loop). Remarking on another work form this period, Graham once stated, "It begins with Minimal Art, but it's about spectators observing themselves as they're observed by other people."* This paradigm is extended even further in Performer/Audience Sequence (1975) and Performer/Audience Mirror (1977), in which the artist performs by describing the audience as well as himself, creating conditions whereby the audience is performing for the artist as well as themselves. Like (1971), Past Future Split Attention (1972), and Identification Projection (1977) are also featured in the publication." --Publisher's website, accessed 20220303.




Performance art United States 20th century.
Artists' books United States 20th century Facsimiles 21st century.
Male artists New York (State) 20th century 21st century.
Livres d'artistes États-Unis 20e siècle Fac-similés 21e siècle.
Artistes masculins New York (État) 20e siècle 21e siècle.
Artists' books.
Male artists.
Performance art.
New York (State)
United States.


artists' books (books)
illustrated books.
facsimiles (reproductions)
Artists' books.
Illustrated works.
Livres d'artistes.
Ouvrages illustrés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Primary Information (Organization), publisher.
United States New York (State) New York


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316625
Cote: 316625
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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