A treaty guide for Torontonians / created by the Talking Treaties Collective : Ange Loft, Victoria Freeman, Martha Stiegman, and Jill Carter.
Titre et auteur:

A treaty guide for Torontonians / created by the Talking Treaties Collective : Ange Loft, Victoria Freeman, Martha Stiegman, and Jill Carter.


First edition.


Toronto : Jumblies Press ; Toronto Biennial of Art, [2022]


184 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm


"An examination of historical treaties and agreements bearing on Indigenous-non-Indigenous relations in Toronto, Canada, with generative arts-based activities for readers to use individually or in groups to explore their own relationship to the lands and Indigenous peoples of the Greater Toronto Area. Covers pre- and post-contact wampum diplomacy between the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and Anishinaabek in southern Ontario as well as their relations with French, Dutch, and English colonizers. Treaties discussed include the Wendat-Anishinaabek-Innu-French alliance of the early 1600s; the Two Row Wampum; the British-Haudenosaunee Covenant Chain; the Dish With One Spoon Wampum and Haudenosaunee-Anishinaabek alliance of 1700; the Great Peace of Montreal of 1701; the Nanfan Treaty of 1701; and the Yellowhead or Eternal Council Fires Wampum Belt. Land cession agreements such as the 1784 Between the Lakes Purchase; 1787 Toronto Purchase and its confirmation in 1805; the so-called Gunshot Treaty of 1788; other Mississauga land cessions; and the Williams Treaty of 1923, are discussed as well as subsequent land claims and renegotiations. The book is illustrated by Indigenous artists with images from previous Talking Treaties community arts projects (carried out by Jumblies Theatre) and includes specialty pages, including a fold-out map of local Indigenous nations, activity packs, and fold-out wampum belts."-- Provided by publisher.


9780980995268 (hardcover)
0980995264 (hardcover)


Indigenous art Ontario Toronto 21st century.
Art, Canadian Ontario Toronto 21st century.
First Nations Ontario Toronto.
First Nations Ontario Toronto Treaties.
First Nations Land tenure Ontario Toronto.
First Nations Ontario Toronto Social conditions.
Art autochtone Ontario Toronto 21e siècle.
Art canadien Ontario Toronto 21e siècle.
Art, Canadian
Ethnic relations
Indigenous art
Race relations
Toronto (Ont.) Race relations.
Toronto (Ont.) Ethnic relations.
Ontario Toronto


works of art.
Œuvres d'art.

Vedettes secondaires:

Talking Treaties Collective (Group of artists), author.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315511
Cote: 315511
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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