The past in the present : architecture in Indonesia / edited by Peter J.M. Nas.
Rotterdam : NAi, ©2006.
286 pages, 14 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), plans (some color) ; 28 cm
"In The Past in the Present, Architecture in Indonesia renowned authors sketch a picture of the diversity in Indonesian architecture, found in both contemporary and historic buildings in the Archipelago. The main architectural traditions in Indonesia are defined in this book as modern, 'traditional' or vernacular, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu, and colonial or fndische architecture." "The Past in the Present offers a general introduction to Indonesian architecture and an intelligible description of the architectural context of Indische architecture."--BOOK JACKET.
Architecture Indonesia History Exhibitions.
Vernacular architecture Indonesia Exhibitions.
Architecture, Tropical Indonesia Exhibitions.
Architecture Indonésie Histoire Expositions.
Architecture vernaculaire Indonésie Expositions.
Architecture tropicale Indonésie Expositions.
Architecture, Tropical
Vernacular architecture
Arkitektur historia Indonesien.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Nas, P.
Nederlands Architectuurinstituut.
Architecture in Indonesia
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 251283
Cote: BIB 180772
Statut: Disponible
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