Crowl, Philip A. (Philip Axtell), 1914-1991.
The intelligent traveller's guide to historic Scotland / Philip A. Crowl.
New York : Congdon & Weed ; Chicago, Ill. : Distributed by Contemporary Books, ©1986.
xix, 625 pages ; 25 cm
The history of Scotland presented as part narrative, part gazetteer, part biography.
"The Intelligent Traveller's Guide to Historic Scotland, meticulous and fascinating, will provide discerning travellers with everything they need to see, and savor, the adventure of Scotland-the grandeur of its ruined abbeys, the gaudy charm of the ubiquitous tartan, the poignant strains of distant bagpipes, and the imperturbable dignity of the Scottish people. This intriguing travel volume begins with a narrative history spanning the end of the Ice Age to the close of World War II. The chronological account is richly textured with the people, places, and events that have shaped the cultural landscape of modern Scotland. Always the emphasis is on the visible and visitable remains of Scotland's past-monuments, castles, churches, museums, gardens, distinguished pieces of architecture, and more. A gazetteer is also provided, listing the sites geographically and with the practical information needed by travellers; location, description, visiting hours, price of admission, and the author's own evaluation of each site. Cross-referencing makes the two sections cohere for a lively, usable guide" -- Dust jacket.
0809229625 (Contemporary Books)
9780809229628 (Contemporary Books)
Historic buildings Scotland Guidebooks.
Historic sites Scotland Guidebooks.
Medicine, Medieval.
History, Ancient
History, Medieval
History, Early Modern 1451-1600
History, Modern 1601-
Lieux historiques Écosse Guides.
Médecine médiévale.
Médecine Histoire 1500-
history (discipline)
Historic buildings
Historic sites
Scotland Antiquities Guidebooks.
Scotland History, Local.
Scotland Tours.
Écosse Antiquités Guides.
Écosse Histoire locale.
travel guidebooks.
Local history
Guides touristiques.
The intelligent traveler's guide to historic Scotland
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 138957
Cote: ID:86-B9580
Statut: Disponible
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