Boivin, Thomas, photographer.
Belleville. Thomas Boivin.
1st edition.
[London, England] : Stanley/Barker 2022.
1 volume (unpaged) : all illustrations ; 28 cm
Since 2010 Thomas Boivin has been making beautiful, contemplative black and white photographs of his Parisian neighbourhood and the people who live there. 00Belleville is a place that is both emblematic of the popular notions of Paris and constantly changing. Set in the eastern part of Paris, it is a multicultural area of the city that attracts artists and those new to France. 00?I started to photograph its streets and people as soon as I moved there, and kept photographing for years. Photographing people, above all, was what I found meaningful. Although the photographs hardly depict the city, I find they convey the sensation that I had, walking the streets of Belleville: A mixture of beauty and decay, of joyful moments and sadness, the warm feeling of light and the bitter sweet sensation that one can experience walking around all day, searching for a stranger's eyes..? - Thomas Boivin00Exhibition: A Foundation, Brussels, Belgium (26.04.-26.06.2022).
Paris (France) Pictorial works.
Paris (France) In art.
France Paris
Pictorial works
Livres de photographies.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 318244
Cote: 318244
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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