Expanding spatial narratives / editors, German A. Duarte, Giulia Cordin, Davide T. Ferrando.
Titre et auteur:

Expanding spatial narratives / editors, German A. Duarte, Giulia Cordin, Davide T. Ferrando.


First edition.


Milan, Italy : Mousse Publishing, 2022


287 pages : illustrations ; 16 cm

Collected essays.
Includes bibliographical references.
Expanding spatial narratives / German A. Duarte, Giulia Cordin, Davide T. Ferrando -- Redefining the museum in the digital age / Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen -- The postmodern condition : beyond the literate humankind / German A. Duarte -- "The machine's unconscious" : an introduction / German A. Duarte -- The machine's unconscious, or how to capture the floating signifier / Antonio Caronia -- Narrative as spatial loop : the deconstructive aesthetics of time travel films / Seung-hoon Jeong -- The politics of location-based narratives and games : Google and Niantic / Oliver Asselin -- Ein andere Intelligenz, artificial institutions and narrative inttelligence / Warren Sack -- The human touch of technology / Giulia Cordin -- Dance, performance and social media in the postdigital museum / Claire Bishop -- The post-digital museum : a conversation / Giulia Cordin -- From cultural attractors to cultural activators / Fabio Viola -- Obstructions guided by a sense of purpose / Lev Bratishenko -- Slow down fast : a museum that memory has forgotten / Interview to Luca Lo Pinto -- The medium is the mess age : communication at the Fondazione Sandretto re Rebaudengo / Interview to Silvio Salvo -- The extended space of architecture exhibitions / Davide T. Ferrando -- From the cave to the viewing room / Andreas Angelidakis -- Post-post-Venice : Le Biennali Invisibili / Animali Domestici, Eduardo Cassina, & Tijn Van De Wijdeven -- Fidi arsenale : inhabiting the fringes of digital and physical real estate / Bika Rebek and Matt Shaw -- The spatial essay : rooms and objects as containers of information / Lara Lesmes & Fredrik Hellberg -- Boredfen : a fake drug / Profferlo Architecture -- U(I)RL - notes on spatial live streaming and virtual exhibiting / Uwe Brunner and Cenk Güzelis -- Biographies.

"Through a collection of essays by selected scholars and practitioners, this volume explores the ways in which digital technology has deeply influenced how one produces, interacts with, and consumes narratives by reformulating the notion of space"-- Back cover.




Art museums Technological innovations.
Museum techniques Technological innovations.
Communication in museums.
Virtual museums.
Digital media.
Art and technology.
Muséologie Innovations.
Communication dans les musées.
Musées virtuels.
Art et technologie.

Vedettes secondaires:

Duarte, German A., 1983- editor, contributor.
Cordin, Giulia, 1989- editor, contributor.
Ferrando, Davide Tommaso, 1980- editor, contributor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 318222
Cote: 318222
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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