Conceiving the plan : nuance and intimacy in civic space / edited by Yael Hameiri Sainsaux.
First edition.
Milano : Skira, 2022.
239 pages : illustrations (some color), maps, plans ; 31 x 31 cm
Combining civic architecture projects with contributions by writers, historians and artists ranging from Dan Graham to Fran Lebowitz, Conceiving the Plan constructs a dialogue with the legacy of the late architect and longtime Cooper Union professor Diane Lewis (1951-2017). Lewis' pedagogy defined Cooper Union's architecture departure from the 1970s to the mid-2000s. Here, architectural historians Barry Bergdoll and Daniel Sherer converse about the themes and approach in her pedagogical style and thinking. Architects, former students, colleagues and friends generate projects as a continuous discourse with Lewis' pedagogy, carrying her legacy into contemporary dialogues. 'Conceiving the Plan' includes more than 250 images and diagrams of projects pertaining to Lewis' legacy by Georg Windeck, Preston Scott Cohen, Dorian Wiszniewski, Pippo Ciorra and Peter Lynch.
9788857246543 hardcover
885724654X hardcover
Lewis, Diane (Diane H.) Teachings Exhibitions.
Lewis, Diane (Diane H.) Influence Exhibitions.
Lewis, Diane Teachings.
Lewis, Diane Influence.
Architecture, Modern 21st century Designs and plans Exhibitions.
Public architecture Exhibitions.
Public spaces Exhibitions.
Public spaces Psychological aspects.
Public spaces Social aspects.
Public architecture.
Architecture publique.
Architecture 21e siècle Dessins et plans Expositions.
Architecture publique Expositions.
Espaces publics Expositions.
Espaces publics Aspect psychologique.
Espaces publics Aspect social.
Architecture, Modern Designs and plans 21st century.
Public spaces
Architecture, Modern
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Lewis, Diane (Diane H.), honoree.
Hameiri Sainsaux, Yael, editor.
International Architectural Exhibition (17th : 2021 : Venice, Italy)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 315986
Cote: 315986
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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